Monthly Archive: August, 2012

Economics Needs a Hero

His Brains or His Signature

Chuck Fisk wants everyone to remember that it is VOLUNTARY TRADE that creates value

A Different Kind of Ted Talk

Ted’s Montana Chicken?

Thanks to Krista Jabs Saral. Short story about Krista: Krista was coming back to Tallahassee from one of her adventures and a group of us were planning a dinner. We found out that… Continue reading


Watch this video for the meme to make sense, you won’t regret it  

Long Run Equilibrium is as Serious as a League Game

Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya.

This could be the start of a run for Inigo Montoya. Any suggestions?

No, But You’re Getting Warmer.

Remember class, when it comes to binding price controls, your economic house is upside down.

What if John Bender Grew Up to Be an Econ Prof? #3

What if John Bender from the Breakfast Club grew up to be an Economics Professor, but he could only answer students with lines he used in the film? An Economics Memes original inspired… Continue reading

John Bender Grew Up to Be an Econ Prof? #2

What if John Bender from the Breakfast Club grew up to be an Economics Professor, but he could only answer students with lines he used in the film? An Economics Memes original inspired… Continue reading